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close encounters of the third kind中文是什么意思

用"close encounters of the third kind"造句"close encounters of the third kind"怎么读"close encounters of the third kind" in a sentence


  • 第三类接触


  • Close encounter of the third kind , and it shows in his movie
  • Close encounters of the third kind
  • The planes , and their pilots , even found their way into the science fiction film classic , close encounters of the third kind
  • Consider such titles as raiders of the lost ark and the other indiana jones movies , close encounters of the third kind , e . t . and jurassic park
    细想一下《法柜奇兵》和《印第安纳琼斯》 、 《第三类接触》 、 《侏罗纪公园》这几部电影。
  • If a spaceship were to land on earth , only one in five would accept an invitation to board , as richard dreyfuss did so enthusiastically in close encounters of the third kind
  • Spielberg also paid tribute to legendary french film director francois truffaut , who died 20 years ago and who had starred in spielberg ' s 1977 classic , close encounters of the third kind
用"close encounters of the third kind"造句  


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